Edudevs | Upskilling Education


Empowering the 21st Century Educator

EduEmpower: Empowering the 21st Century Educator is a series of online upskilling programs curated and instructed by renowned EduLeaders who believe in creative methodologies and passionate leadership.
Edudevs – School of Inspired Teaching and Learning is an organization involved in the skill-based development of young educators, which greatly impacts the learning ability of students. We believe in the fruitful expansion of knowledge and dispensation of learning experiences in the field of education.
We bring you, the educators of India, a transformational training program that is centered on the holistic augmentation of educators by empowering them with skills to strengthen their dynamic professional profile and personal persona.


Digital Learning and Student Engagement

Fostering Responsible Learners

Navigating Flipped Classrooms

Developing Independent Learners

Social and Emotional Fortitude

Raising Balanced Beings

Experiential Learning Pedagogy

Equipping 21st Century Learners

Story Telling as a Pedagogy

Nurturing Creative Learners

Pedagogy of Assessment

Measuring Ability with Reliability

Lesson Plan for Blended Learning

Best of Both Worlds

Multidisciplinary Pedagogy

Making Real Life Connections

Child Psychology in the New Normal

Decipher & Address

Multiple Pathways

Capturing the Whole Range

Art of Teaching

We help the teacher to implement effective teaching practices in your school or classroom.

Capacity Building Modules and Programs

Teaching is a dynamic field with regular innovations in pedagogy......


Our cluster of EduLeaders is a lustrous amalgamation of the best leaders and experts in their field. Their wisdom and expertise are clubbed together in ingenious course modules that ensure maximum growth. These EduLeaders have

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Empowering the 21st Century Educator

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