The health and inclusiveness of your school is paramount to ensure student success and sustainability of the institution. We at Edudevs place this at the fore of our services, leading us to have developed state of the art Whole School Index (WSI). WSI provides deep insights into the performance and bottlenecks of your school by employing rigorous quantitative techniques across six Key Focus Areas (KFAs), namely:
The KFAs will be assessed using exhaustive primary survey research that feeds into our statistical models to produce a WSI Badge for your school. WSI badge serves the two-fold objective of gauging the school performance as well as informing areas requiring urgent actions.
Perhaps the most important principle of the centuries-old institutions of education,ensuring valuable student learning, is the primary objective of a school. Facilitating valuable student learning requires a dynamic approach to understand and address the ever-changing environment of education. Thus, capturing the way a school responds to the needs of students and how teachers adapt to these changes is critical in shaping the overall success of modern schools.
In this age of cut-throat competition, it is the responsibility of schools to ensure that students thoroughly enjoy the process of learning. Education with an exclusive goal of imparting knowledge and learning falls short to advance students’ “ know-how “ to handle pressure and derive pleasure from education. Thus, focussing on the happiness of students and gauging how they deem education being more fascinating is one of the core focuses of WSI.
An all-encompassing student development should extend beyond the classroom education. A syllabus with significant emphasis on co-curricular activities inculcates a self-learning process amongst students where they become increasingly capable of identifying their life-interests. Thus, ensuring a mutual agreement between educators and students regarding the selection of co-curricular activities is essential in making the process interactive and productive.
Closely related to happiness is the goal to achieve psychological well- being of both students and teachers. One of the ways this can be achieved is by identifying cognitive biases that may frequently impede the educational process due to less logical, less rational and less efficient decision-making in the process of learning and education. WSI innovatively captures these biases and informs the needs of a school to provide a healthy atmosphere of learning.
Identifying capital requirements to achieve operational efficiency should be one of the core supply-side features of modern schools. Furthermore, to ensure optimum use of resources, it is vital for a school to prioritize the infrastructural requirements in a way that capital needs that are more urgent are systematically identifiable from medium or long-term requirements of the school.
A school campus is a breeding ground for the leaders of tomorrow. It is the duty of educators to ensure the highest standards of the environment in which teaching is conducted. Achieving the right standards of stimulating learning environment is of utmost importance for building a lively and conscious school campus
WSI Badge is a wholesome indicator of school health and inclusiveness, developed using a structured methodology across responses obtained from the primary survey of students, teachers, and the alumni. Collectively, the responses from these three surveys yield ratings for our six Key Focus Areas (KFAs) that subsequently feed into our model to produce a WSI Badge.
The ratings for the six KFAs ascribe to careful conversion of stated and revealed preferences of survey participants into useful analytics. Furthermore, the ratings for each of the KFAs satisfy our in-house ‘4C Rating Criterion’ such that the final rating is Comprehensive, Comparative, Convertible, and Certifiable.It should be noted that in developing these ratings to inform the WSI Badge, we place particular attention on the relative importance of the responses collected. Therefore, in addition to the use of Likert scale to gauge the least and most important views, we also place different weights across the three surveys. The decision on the weights is governed by the relative importance of the parties involved in determining overall health of the school. Therefore, a higher focus and weight is placed on the survey of students, followed by teachers and the alumni survey.
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